
7 11 2021

Is Fit and Fat a Thing?


Here we go again!  Yet another study trying to figure out what is more important, being thin or being fit. Last month, The New York Times published a summary of a new study by Dr. Glenn Gaesser, a professor of physiology at Arizona State University.  Dr. Gaesser’s expertise is on the effects of physical activity [...]

Is Fit and Fat a Thing?2021-11-07T14:20:54+00:00
16 02 2017

Your money or your health?


When people are interested in any of our programs, I encourage them to come in for a free 20 minute consultation. This gives us an opportunity to make sure we are on the same page in terms of what is involved in succeeding in order to attain their goals in health and weight loss.  A [...]

Your money or your health?2017-02-16T14:37:29+00:00
8 02 2017

No Way Around It—It Takes Work


There was very significant health news a few weeks ago.  When news about health makes it to the headlines, it usually means we have to pay attention.  For over 100 years, the average life expectancy of people who live in the United States has increased, with the exception of 1993 and that aberration occurred because [...]

No Way Around It—It Takes Work2017-02-08T10:53:51+00:00
7 10 2015

So, which is it?


As both a wellness coach and personal trainer, one thing I am NOT trying to do is help people achieve perfection in any particular area.  What I am trying to do, is help people make improvements in their lifestyle habits in order to bring about a healthier quality of life. Getting everyone to be an [...]

So, which is it?2017-01-19T12:55:11+00:00
17 09 2015

Critical Updates


Our knowledge or how to stay healthy is constantly evolving.  15 years ago when Baruch came to me concerning eating properly and how to exercise, I advised him that he should only use low-fat products. Today I would advise him differently and make sure he had enough healthy fats in the diet—not to go high [...]

Critical Updates2017-01-19T12:58:18+00:00
26 08 2015

Don’t Make Weight Loss Mistakes


Roughly 70% of us could stand to lose some weight.  Some people need to only lose a few kilos, others may have years of work to do in order to get into a range of healthy weight.  But as we all know, the chances of long-term success aren’t very good.  With some help from Web [...]

Don’t Make Weight Loss Mistakes2017-01-19T14:55:49+00:00
8 07 2015

It’s about the Arteries in your Heart


Every 34 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack.  Each minute, someone dies from a heart disease related event.  Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death around the world.  It kills 380,000 people in the United States every year.  CAD is a specific form of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD).  It [...]

It’s about the Arteries in your Heart2017-01-19T15:04:08+00:00
4 06 2015

To Win the Battle of the Bulge


We all know how difficult it is to lose weight.  We all know the dangers of being overweight and we all know it just how lousy it feels.  Research shows that two thirds of Americans are overweight or obese and it is associated with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression and various cancers (Malik, Schultz & [...]

To Win the Battle of the Bulge2017-01-19T15:11:29+00:00
6 11 2014

Does it really matter?


There has been a lot of literature in the last 14 years about the positive effects of exercise, even in people who are overweight. Sighting many of these studies, I often encourage people who are having problems dropping weight by explaining to them how much they are improving their health and well-being by exercising, even [...]

Does it really matter?2017-01-25T11:10:00+00:00
28 08 2014

The Cost of Poor Health and Obesity


The two most common excuses people give for not exercising and taking care of their general health are lack of time, and finances. In previous articles, I have addressed the time issue, but I would like to add the following: If you don’t make the time to exercise, you won’t have much time to do [...]

The Cost of Poor Health and Obesity2017-01-29T12:49:12+00:00