
15 12 2024

RFK Jr. – Cause for Optimism?


This article was originally published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Nov. 27 2024: Optimism abounds!  The incoming US President has appointed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to be the head of Health and Human Services.  For people like myself, passionate about health, particularly preventative health and lifestyle medicine, this is great news. They [...]

RFK Jr. – Cause for Optimism?2024-12-15T11:55:23+00:00
5 09 2024

Make Changes One-at-a-Time


When you get down to it, all the people that I see in my various programs are trying to change some behavior or habit in order to achieve a goal in health and wellness.  In order to lose weight, lower blood pressure, cholesterol, or blood sugar, or become more fit and functional, the chances are [...]

Make Changes One-at-a-Time2024-09-09T10:53:52+00:00
11 09 2022

A Time for Change


The following article was originally published in the Opinion section of The Jerusalem Post (9th Sept. 2022):   On the Jewish calendar, we are well into the month of Elul.  Our tradition is such that we are in a process of repentance. The slichot prayers take us into the high holy days of Rosh HaShana [...]

A Time for Change2022-09-11T11:22:22+00:00
30 01 2022

How Important is Maintaining a Normal Weight?


A few years ago, I wrote two articles about a lady named Aviva. Aviva started working with me, 5 years ago, while weighing 155 kilograms—that’s 341 pounds.  I last wrote about Aviva’s progress two and a half years ago. At that point Aviva had dropped 39 kilograms, or 86 pounds.  Without going into detail, her [...]

How Important is Maintaining a Normal Weight?2022-01-30T12:39:27+00:00
2 01 2022

If I Can Do It, You Can, Too


If I Can Do It, You Can, Too - How I got back to good health For those of you who think I’ve always led a healthy lifestyle, you’re in for disappointment. By the time I was age 33, I was overweight, my clothes didn’t fit and my blood pressure was already on the high [...]

If I Can Do It, You Can, Too2022-01-02T11:02:18+00:00
30 08 2021

The Year That Was – The Year That Can Be


Another year has passed. In a matter of days, we will all be wishing each other a happy New Year, a year of health, happiness, and prosperity.  It’s been another year under the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is now back with a vengeance in its 4th wave. Still, it is important to look [...]

The Year That Was – The Year That Can Be2021-08-30T21:26:01+00:00
3 09 2020

Keeping our Resolutions to Change


The Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Succos period is a time of the year that we are trying to change ourselves for the better.  We pray that at least some of these changes will carry through the year.  Making permanent changes in our lives is difficult.  Many of our behaviors, the good ones and the [...]

Keeping our Resolutions to Change2020-09-03T10:41:46+00:00
2 08 2020

Yet Another Study


I am not stuck in the old ways just because “that’s how we’ve always done it.” I love looking at new research.  This is especially true when research reaffirms or replicates other research.  Even though the vast majority of health care professionals - doctors, dieticians, osteopaths, nutritionists, and many others - are mired in the [...]

Yet Another Study2020-08-02T10:23:59+00:00
12 07 2020

“Long time no see!”


When I came out of shul earlier last week, I ran into a former client named Joe.  Keeping our social distance, we had a very interesting conversation that I would like to share with you.  First, a little history. Health and fitness has been my field of work for over 21 years.  Prior to that, [...]

“Long time no see!”2020-07-12T11:55:28+00:00