heart attack

14 02 2024

The Coach had a Heart Attack – Part 3


This article was originally published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday, 7 Feb. 2024: https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-785527 In part 1 and part 2, I discussed diet and exercise. These two big lifestyle behaviors have a pronounced effect on heart health for better or for worse.  In this chapter, it’s time to turn to the medical establishment. What [...]

The Coach had a Heart Attack – Part 32024-02-14T21:54:33+00:00
23 01 2024

The Coach had a Heart Attack-Part 1


You never imagine that it will be you.  But why not?  After all, heart disease is the number one or two killer in every Western country.  In the United States, there is a heart attack every 38 seconds.  So why not you? “Because I’m doing everything that protects from the ravages of heart disease.”  More [...]

The Coach had a Heart Attack-Part 12024-01-23T12:57:21+00:00
12 01 2023

The Lesson of Monday Night Football


This article was originally published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post (11 Jan. 2023): https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-728163 Since 1970, sports fans in the United States and throughout the world have gotten used to watching the Monday night Football game.  Unlike Sundays with multiple games, Monday’s game is a stand-alone with a large viewing audience. Well over 20 [...]

The Lesson of Monday Night Football2023-01-12T11:49:03+00:00
15 11 2020

Putting Heart Disease in Reverse


Coronary artery disease can be reversed. True of False? If you ask most doctors, including cardiologist, you probably will receive a foggy kind of answer.  You might hear “FALSE!”  If this is the answer you are hearing from a doctor, it’s unfortunate. The correct answer is TRUE - Coronary artery disease can be reversed. There are [...]

Putting Heart Disease in Reverse2020-11-15T21:22:40+00:00
13 06 2017

Taking Care of your Heart


There is one thing that hasn’t changed since I was born. Heart disease is still the number one killer in the Western World.  Here are the latest available statistics: 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year. This equals 25% of all deaths. Heart disease is the leading cause of death [...]

Taking Care of your Heart2017-06-13T13:18:56+00:00
3 08 2014

It’s Your Heart—Take Care of It!


People who exercise, and exercise professionals like myself, sometimes get so carried away with building muscle, that they can easily forget that if the muscle in the middle of your chest, your heart, isn’t working right, not much else is going to matter. Your heart is a fist size muscle located in your chest. Depending [...]

It’s Your Heart—Take Care of It!2017-02-06T12:55:04+00:00