disease prevention

3 12 2024

Parkinson’s disease – Can it be Prevented?


This article was first published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post, Thursday, 21 Nov. 2024: https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-830049 As our population has aged over the last several decades, it has been accompanied by a marked increase in Parkinson’s disease (PD).  The amount of increase is, however, so astounding that one must wonder what else may be going [...]

Parkinson’s disease – Can it be Prevented?2024-12-03T10:50:05+00:00
29 08 2024

Preventive Medicine


This article was originally published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Thursday, 22 August 2024: jpost.com/opinion/article-815766 “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” Benjamin Franklin 1735 Imagine a world where most people don’t get chronic disease in their lifetime.  Is that possible?  Of course it is!  There are already places like that.  [...]

Preventive Medicine2024-08-29T13:21:04+00:00
27 06 2024

Front Page News


This article was originally published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday, 26 June 2024: https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-807743   Making an appearance on the front-page of any newspaper is difficult these days.  Here in Israel there is a war in the south and a war in the north of the country. In Europe, the Ukraine-Russian conflict continues.  There [...]

Front Page News2024-06-27T11:12:09+00:00
25 08 2022

As Simple as That!


The following article was also published in the Opinion section of The Jerusalem Post (25th Aug. 2022): https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-715519   They are the modern day killers: heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, mild cognitive impairment, early stage prostate cancer—all now proven to be reversible and often, totally curable.  All of the above, plus [...]

As Simple as That!2022-08-25T11:41:13+00:00
17 07 2022

From Sick Care to Health Care


The following article was also published in the Opinion section of The Jerusalem Post (17th July 2022): https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-712280   I’M FRUSTRATED! Why? To quote Dr. Michael Greger, the author of the bestselling books How Not to Die and How Not to Diet, “We have the cure, since 1990, there should be no heart disease.” The evidence [...]

From Sick Care to Health Care2022-07-17T11:51:12+00:00
27 03 2022

What’s holding us back? (Alan’s new Jpost op-ed)


The following article appeared as an op-ed written by Alan in The Jerusalem Post: https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-701761   It used to be said about the US Department of State, that they don’t let the facts get in the way of policy. So it is in the world of health and wellness. Take a step back for a moment. [...]

What’s holding us back? (Alan’s new Jpost op-ed)2022-03-27T12:50:45+00:00
4 07 2021

Type 2 Diabetes: It’s Preventable and Reversible


A few years ago, someone helping me on some office related matters was looking at some of the resource material I give my clients. She seemed surprised that I claimed that type 2 diabetes is a curable condition.  A few days later, she proceeded to tell me that her husband, a physician, thought that what [...]

Type 2 Diabetes: It’s Preventable and Reversible2021-07-04T10:37:44+00:00
13 06 2021

Why We’re Moving Backwards


During my lifetime, modern medicine has brought about fantastic advances.  100 years ago, infectious disease, water borne diseases, like cholera and pneumonia, were the main causes of early mortality.  With better hygiene, the advent of antibiotics and vaccines, and the reduction in the percentage of smokers in the population, life expectance increased yearly. Yet while [...]

Why We’re Moving Backwards2021-06-13T11:59:06+00:00
15 11 2020

Putting Heart Disease in Reverse


Coronary artery disease can be reversed. True of False? If you ask most doctors, including cardiologist, you probably will receive a foggy kind of answer.  You might hear “FALSE!”  If this is the answer you are hearing from a doctor, it’s unfortunate. The correct answer is TRUE - Coronary artery disease can be reversed. There are [...]

Putting Heart Disease in Reverse2020-11-15T21:22:40+00:00
2 08 2020

Yet Another Study


I am not stuck in the old ways just because “that’s how we’ve always done it.” I love looking at new research.  This is especially true when research reaffirms or replicates other research.  Even though the vast majority of health care professionals - doctors, dieticians, osteopaths, nutritionists, and many others - are mired in the [...]

Yet Another Study2020-08-02T10:23:59+00:00