
31 12 2023

Increasing the Odds


This article was originially published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Sunday, 31st  Dec. 2023: https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/article-780119 People have questioned me as to why at The Wellness Clinic we offer a free consultation before starting a program.  It’s very simple. People need to know before they get started on their journey to improved health, [...]

Increasing the Odds2023-12-31T10:21:44+00:00
17 01 2021

Step by Step – Thousands of Them!


If you follow the news on activity and exercise (or just read my blogs and articles), you know that there are multiple recommendations regarding the daily quantity for exercise and activity. Here’s a reminder about the pronounced health and wellness benefits resulting from exercise and activity: People who exercise, even moderately, decrease their chances of [...]

Step by Step – Thousands of Them!2021-01-17T20:10:16+00:00
25 07 2019

If The Shoe Fits…


I can’t give enough emphasis on the importance of a good pair of shoes! With all the money we spend on exercise equipment, the one place that you should certainly invest in quality is in a pair of shoes. This is the most essential piece of exercise equipment! Time for new shoes 16 years ago, [...]

If The Shoe Fits…2019-07-25T11:50:41+00:00
28 03 2019

Good News on the Exercise Front—Everything counts!


By now I hope that most people have come to understand the great importance of being active and exercising.  We’ve seen beyond a doubt, what the sedentary lifestyle that we’ve created can do to our health.  Although modern medicine has created numerous ways to keep us alive, the rate of heart disease isn’t decreasing, and [...]

Good News on the Exercise Front—Everything counts!2019-03-28T22:28:14+00:00
18 08 2016

The Truth About Exercise!


Jonathan is 50 years old.  He came into my office with a host of problems. His main problems were lack of energy and being overweight, and he also suffered from a low-level, mild depression.  He had read some information about the benefits of exercise, but the material he was reading wasn’t entirely accurate.  He then proceeded [...]

The Truth About Exercise!2017-01-12T12:21:59+00:00
19 05 2016

Here We Go Again!


Spring is in full force.  All of the things that you have been putting off until now are staring you square in the face.  And for many of you, taking positive steps towards better health is probably on the list as it should be!  Weight loss may be at the forefront of your goals to [...]

Here We Go Again!2017-01-11T12:49:05+00:00
30 11 2014

In or Out!


One of the keys to success for people who start exercising is to find the proper mode of exercise for each individual so that they can enjoy what they are doing. I always encourage people to exercise outdoors. Although joining a gym or seeing a trainer in the gym is certainly beneficial, exercising outdoors just seems [...]

In or Out!2017-01-24T14:48:42+00:00