heart disease

31 03 2024

The Season of Joy and Happiness


This article was originally published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday, 20 March 2024: https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/article-792779 The Talmud in the tractate of Ta’anit tells us that when the month of Adar begins, our happiness increases. Until when?  The Talmud tells us that this lasts until the end of the following Hebrew month, Nissan. It’s a seasonal [...]

The Season of Joy and Happiness2024-03-31T11:39:39+00:00
4 02 2024

The Coach had a Heart Attack- Part 2


This article was originally published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Sunday, 30 Jan. 2024: https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-784241 I wrote in part 1 about my heart attack experience and the role exercise played in keeping my cardiac event relatively small.  Now it’s time to address what is the single biggest cause of cardiovascular disease and, at the [...]

The Coach had a Heart Attack- Part 22024-02-04T14:20:10+00:00
23 01 2024

The Coach had a Heart Attack-Part 1


You never imagine that it will be you.  But why not?  After all, heart disease is the number one or two killer in every Western country.  In the United States, there is a heart attack every 38 seconds.  So why not you? “Because I’m doing everything that protects from the ravages of heart disease.”  More [...]

The Coach had a Heart Attack-Part 12024-01-23T12:57:21+00:00
19 02 2023

Looking at the Numbers


This article was originally published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post (20 Feb. 2023): https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-732077 For those of you who are in your 40’s or older, your physician probably would like to see a blood test every year or two.  There are many numbers and markers on a complete blood panel, and a simple blood [...]

Looking at the Numbers2023-02-20T09:39:12+00:00
17 07 2022

From Sick Care to Health Care


The following article was also published in the Opinion section of The Jerusalem Post (17th July 2022): https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-712280   I’M FRUSTRATED! Why? To quote Dr. Michael Greger, the author of the bestselling books How Not to Die and How Not to Diet, “We have the cure, since 1990, there should be no heart disease.” The evidence [...]

From Sick Care to Health Care2022-07-17T11:51:12+00:00
15 12 2020

Cholesterol, Heart Disease and Statins—The Truth Comes Out (Part 2)


(In part 1 of this article, we looked at the good things cholesterol does for us and examined the questionable research that established a direct connection between cholesterol and heart disease.  We also saw the role that the pharmaceutical companies play in funding and possibly manipulating studies to push the use of the drugs they [...]

Cholesterol, Heart Disease and Statins—The Truth Comes Out (Part 2)2020-12-15T12:15:09+00:00
15 11 2020

Putting Heart Disease in Reverse


Coronary artery disease can be reversed. True of False? If you ask most doctors, including cardiologist, you probably will receive a foggy kind of answer.  You might hear “FALSE!”  If this is the answer you are hearing from a doctor, it’s unfortunate. The correct answer is TRUE - Coronary artery disease can be reversed. There are [...]

Putting Heart Disease in Reverse2020-11-15T21:22:40+00:00
4 11 2015

How’s your Fiber Intake?


A few weeks ago, Lara came to see me about refining her eating and exercise.  She hadn’t been feeling quite right for the last few months.  Although she needed to lose a few kilo, weight loss wasn’t her issue.  She was fairly educated as far as nutrition and exercise was concerned but she was having [...]

How’s your Fiber Intake?2020-08-10T12:37:07+00:00
28 05 2015

Don’t Be Late—Preventative Measures


There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t see someone who has one of the classic adult diseases; meaning, diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol.  In many cases, the ramifications of these diseases have already begun to set in and the client is already being medicated.  Sometimes, they are feeling some side [...]

Don’t Be Late—Preventative Measures2017-01-19T15:14:16+00:00
16 07 2014

Go for the Whole Grains


Why in the world would someone take whole wheat grain, crack the grain, pulverize it with rollers, and separate the endosperm from the dark, fibrous bran and the wheat embryo?  Why would they take out important nutrients, vitamins, unsaturated fats, fiber and magnesium?  And if intact grains are so healthy, why did we stop eating [...]

Go for the Whole Grains2017-03-30T13:28:48+00:00