physical activity

5 08 2024

Is Exercise Overrated?


This article was originally published in the op-ed section of The Jerusalem Post on 3 August 2024: Is Exercise overrated?  An interesting question coming from a personal trainer with 26 years’ experience! Exercise and activity are essential components toward achieving good health.  It is one of the 6 aspects of lifestyle medicine and can [...]

Is Exercise Overrated?2024-08-05T11:20:11+00:00
17 01 2021

Step by Step – Thousands of Them!


If you follow the news on activity and exercise (or just read my blogs and articles), you know that there are multiple recommendations regarding the daily quantity for exercise and activity. Here’s a reminder about the pronounced health and wellness benefits resulting from exercise and activity: People who exercise, even moderately, decrease their chances of [...]

Step by Step – Thousands of Them!2021-01-17T20:10:16+00:00
28 03 2019

Good News on the Exercise Front—Everything counts!


By now I hope that most people have come to understand the great importance of being active and exercising.  We’ve seen beyond a doubt, what the sedentary lifestyle that we’ve created can do to our health.  Although modern medicine has created numerous ways to keep us alive, the rate of heart disease isn’t decreasing, and [...]

Good News on the Exercise Front—Everything counts!2019-03-28T22:28:14+00:00
29 03 2017

Exercise for Simcha!


It seems ironic that while preparing for Yom Tov, when we are specifically commanded to be happy, we are in a constant state of stress and anxiety.   Did I get everything needed while shopping?  Did I remember to clean and look everywhere for Chametz?  Did I order enough Matzah?  Is everything ready and prepared for [...]

Exercise for Simcha!2017-03-29T11:28:24+00:00
16 12 2015

I Have No Time to Exercise!


It was Sunday evening and I looked at my schedule for Monday and realized that the office had gotten very busy, so there wasn’t going to be time to do a formal exercise routine that Monday.  Some days, I can take some of my clients for outdoor powerwalks and at least I know I can [...]

I Have No Time to Exercise!2017-01-19T12:35:31+00:00
28 10 2015

Most Cancers are Preventable


When we think of preventable diseases, we usually think of heart disease and how making proper lifestyle changes will cut our risk of ever having heart problems.  Most public health efforts over the last half century have been focused on heart disease prevention.  When it comes to cancer, most people who I have met and [...]

Most Cancers are Preventable2017-01-19T12:49:56+00:00
7 10 2015

So, which is it?


As both a wellness coach and personal trainer, one thing I am NOT trying to do is help people achieve perfection in any particular area.  What I am trying to do, is help people make improvements in their lifestyle habits in order to bring about a healthier quality of life. Getting everyone to be an [...]

So, which is it?2017-01-19T12:55:11+00:00
30 07 2015

The Stress-Exercise Connection—How Does it Work?


With today's societal demands, there is no shortage of stressors in our daily lives. We deal with so many issues such as health, education, relationshps, finances, and more. Sometimes when things are stressful, we go for a walk, jog or swim and come back feeling calm and better equipped to deal with the issues at [...]

The Stress-Exercise Connection—How Does it Work?2017-01-19T14:57:16+00:00
11 06 2015



It’s been a very interesting few weeks in my office.  My office staff and I get great satisfaction when we see our clients succeed in changing their health, and life around for the better.  Last month after doing a public lecture on lowering blood pressure several individuals, who attended, chose to try our path to [...]

4 06 2015

To Win the Battle of the Bulge


We all know how difficult it is to lose weight.  We all know the dangers of being overweight and we all know it just how lousy it feels.  Research shows that two thirds of Americans are overweight or obese and it is associated with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression and various cancers (Malik, Schultz & [...]

To Win the Battle of the Bulge2017-01-19T15:11:29+00:00