
3 12 2024

Parkinson’s disease – Can it be Prevented?


This article was first published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post, Thursday, 21 Nov. 2024: As our population has aged over the last several decades, it has been accompanied by a marked increase in Parkinson’s disease (PD).  The amount of increase is, however, so astounding that one must wonder what else may be going [...]

Parkinson’s disease – Can it be Prevented?2024-12-03T10:50:05+00:00
27 10 2024

Are There Really Shortcuts?


This article was originally published in the op-ed section of The Jerusalem Post on 18 September 2024: Part of the nature of man is to find the easy way out.  We innately seek pleasure and want to do things in the easiest way possible.  As psychologist Dr. Doug Lisle points out, we all want to [...]

Are There Really Shortcuts?2024-10-27T20:41:28+00:00
27 06 2024

Front Page News


This article was originally published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday, 26 June 2024:   Making an appearance on the front-page of any newspaper is difficult these days.  Here in Israel there is a war in the south and a war in the north of the country. In Europe, the Ukraine-Russian conflict continues.  There [...]

Front Page News2024-06-27T11:12:09+00:00
18 03 2024

Danger Ahead: The harm of processed foods


This article was originally published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday, 5 March 2024: About 4 months ago, I published an article about the various health problems caused by eating highly processed foods.  I began with the following quote from Michael Pollan, “If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made [...]

Danger Ahead: The harm of processed foods2024-03-18T16:08:02+00:00
29 02 2024

The Twins Study


This article was originally published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday, 21 Feb. 2024: There are thousands of good studies that analyze the effect of lifestyle, and especially diet, on our health. These studies run the gambit in terms of types. There are randomized controlled studies, epidemiological studies, laboratory studies, and decades of clinical [...]

The Twins Study2024-02-29T12:01:55+00:00
29 06 2023

Making History


This article was originally published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on 28 June 2023: History is about to be made here in Jerusalem. It’s a “first-ever” event and it is far more significant that one might think.  I’m talking about the first-ever Whole-Food, Plant-Based (WFPB) conference for kosher consumers. Before we talk about [...]

Making History2023-06-29T12:22:19+00:00
27 03 2022

What’s holding us back? (Alan’s new Jpost op-ed)


The following article appeared as an op-ed written by Alan in The Jerusalem Post:   It used to be said about the US Department of State, that they don’t let the facts get in the way of policy. So it is in the world of health and wellness. Take a step back for a moment. [...]

What’s holding us back? (Alan’s new Jpost op-ed)2022-03-27T12:50:45+00:00
1 12 2020

Cholesterol, Heart Disease and Statins—The Truth Comes Out (Part 1)


I have contemplated writing an article on this subject for close to 10 years.  Why haven’t I?  Because this subject is controversial. Controversial?!  Everyone knows that high cholesterol causes heart attacks and strokes!!  Well, maybe not! It’s a complicated topic, but I think my readers need to have enough information to make an informed decision before [...]

Cholesterol, Heart Disease and Statins—The Truth Comes Out (Part 1)2020-12-01T11:57:48+00:00
12 07 2020

“Long time no see!”


When I came out of shul earlier last week, I ran into a former client named Joe.  Keeping our social distance, we had a very interesting conversation that I would like to share with you.  First, a little history. Health and fitness has been my field of work for over 21 years.  Prior to that, [...]

“Long time no see!”2020-07-12T11:55:28+00:00
28 12 2018

A Bad Rap for Carbohydrates


We live in a world of extremes.  For those who want to follow the Rambam’s sensible way of living, a balanced path of diet and exercise, seems elusive.  In the last few decades, we have been treated to low carbs, high protein, low fat, low sugar, no sugar, high carbs, gluten free, etc.  It’s as [...]

A Bad Rap for Carbohydrates2018-12-28T12:47:54+00:00