
23 11 2023

A Full Time Job


This article was originially published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Thursday, 23rd  Nov. 2023: Shortly after the outbreak of the war, I had an op-ed published with some general suggestions on how to deal with weight gained over the holiday period. The idea was to encourage readers, to get back on track, [...]

A Full Time Job2023-11-23T10:40:22+00:00
19 10 2023

The Most Stressful of Times


This article was originially published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Thursday, 19th Oct. 2023: In my 38+ years in Israel, I have certainly experienced my share of stressful situations.  But what happened here in Israel two weeks ago has certainly created the most stressful of situations.  We are all praying for [...]

The Most Stressful of Times2023-10-19T11:49:21+00:00
9 03 2023

Getting Through the Stress in Tough Times


To say that over the years we've been through unprecedented tough times might be an understatement.  With Covid, the whole world was in the same boat. Yes, there are times we are all stressed to some degree or another.  But how we handle our stress can have a big influence on how we get through [...]

Getting Through the Stress in Tough Times2023-03-09T11:52:47+00:00
5 02 2023

WANTED: A Change of Strategy


Interested in meeting with Alan in the USA? Alan will be in the Baltimore-Washington area on: Monday, 20 February & Tuesday, 21 February Not in Baltimore? How about a Zoom consultation! To schedule a personal consultation or a group seminar email [email protected] This article was originally published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post (5 Feb. 2023): [...]

WANTED: A Change of Strategy2023-02-05T12:51:35+00:00
27 11 2022

It’s a Process!


The following article was published in the Opinion section of The Jerusalem Post (29 Nov. 2022):   “If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don’t.”  A quote from food author Michael Pollan. Processed foods It’s crunchy, it’s tasty, it’s mouthwatering, it smells great and you always want [...]

It’s a Process!2022-11-29T11:12:01+00:00
25 08 2022

As Simple as That!


The following article was also published in the Opinion section of The Jerusalem Post (25th Aug. 2022):   They are the modern day killers: heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, mild cognitive impairment, early stage prostate cancer—all now proven to be reversible and often, totally curable.  All of the above, plus [...]

As Simple as That!2022-08-25T11:41:13+00:00
18 07 2019

An Apple A Day…


This past Shabbat brought a certain amount of stress with it.  Why would a day of rest, away from work, phones and technology, bring stress? We were looking forward to guests for Shabbat lunch and this was exactly the source of the stress.  You see, one of our guests recently wrote a newspaper article about [...]

An Apple A Day…2019-07-18T13:25:56+00:00
11 07 2019

Finally Making Headlines!


Every news publication printed it. All the electronic media across the globe broadcast it.  What was it that caught the attention of the world this spring?  The basic headline was “POOR DIET KILLS MORE THAN SMOKING AND HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE.” The study publicized shows that the “Western diet,” now known as SAD-Standard American Diet, is [...]

Finally Making Headlines!2019-07-11T11:15:30+00:00
14 03 2019

The New Medicine is Here (Part 2)


In part one of this article, we discussed how research is showing the healing effects of a healthy diet.  A healthy diet, based on current research, involves eating plant-based foods, greatly reducing processed foods, and keeping animal proteins to a minimum. Despite their lack of training in nutrition, doctors are turning to food to cure [...]

The New Medicine is Here (Part 2)2019-03-14T23:14:41+00:00
7 03 2019

The New Medicine is Here (Part 1)


Have you ever heard one of those stories?  I’m sure you have.  The doctors gave up—they sent her home to rest as comfortably as possible until her demise.  “There is nothing more we can do” they said.  Confined to a wheel chair and suffering from constant and severe chest pain, she already had a bypass [...]

The New Medicine is Here (Part 1)2019-03-07T12:42:39+00:00