
19 02 2023

Looking at the Numbers


This article was originally published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post (20 Feb. 2023): For those of you who are in your 40’s or older, your physician probably would like to see a blood test every year or two.  There are many numbers and markers on a complete blood panel, and a simple blood [...]

Looking at the Numbers2023-02-20T09:39:12+00:00
15 12 2020

Cholesterol, Heart Disease and Statins—The Truth Comes Out (Part 2)


(In part 1 of this article, we looked at the good things cholesterol does for us and examined the questionable research that established a direct connection between cholesterol and heart disease.  We also saw the role that the pharmaceutical companies play in funding and possibly manipulating studies to push the use of the drugs they [...]

Cholesterol, Heart Disease and Statins—The Truth Comes Out (Part 2)2020-12-15T12:15:09+00:00
1 12 2020

Cholesterol, Heart Disease and Statins—The Truth Comes Out (Part 1)


I have contemplated writing an article on this subject for close to 10 years.  Why haven’t I?  Because this subject is controversial. Controversial?!  Everyone knows that high cholesterol causes heart attacks and strokes!!  Well, maybe not! It’s a complicated topic, but I think my readers need to have enough information to make an informed decision before [...]

Cholesterol, Heart Disease and Statins—The Truth Comes Out (Part 1)2020-12-01T11:57:48+00:00
27 08 2020

The Overrated Numbers on Your Blood Test


For those of you who are in your 40s or older, your physician probably would like to see a blood test every year or two.  There are many numbers and markers on a complete blood panel. A simple blood test can often tell us about things that are happening that we can’t see. Sometimes finding [...]

The Overrated Numbers on Your Blood Test2020-08-27T12:50:34+00:00
13 06 2017

Taking Care of your Heart


There is one thing that hasn’t changed since I was born. Heart disease is still the number one killer in the Western World.  Here are the latest available statistics: 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year. This equals 25% of all deaths. Heart disease is the leading cause of death [...]

Taking Care of your Heart2017-06-13T13:18:56+00:00
16 03 2015

Exercise is Medicine! (Part II)


Last week’s column examined the role that exercise can play in reducing and possibly eliminating the need for statins and blood pressure medication. We also discussed the positive effects of exercise for diabetics. This week, we will discuss the benefits of exercise vis-à-vis high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cancer. High Blood Pressure High Blood [...]

Exercise is Medicine! (Part II)2017-12-21T11:58:02+00:00