
28 05 2023

The Cost of Health


This article was originally featured as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post: Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food—Hippocrates The Food Revolution Summit is a yearly event dealing with the direct relationship between food and the diseases, both physical and mental. A frightening statistic mentioned this year is that [...]

The Cost of Health2023-05-28T10:08:40+00:00
24 01 2023

Our Emphasis is on YOU


Dear Friends, As I enter my 25th year as a Health Care provider, I wanted to share my thoughts with you. I have always given my clients the best advice possible, based on the latest science and research.  Weight loss has always been a focus. Over the last two decades, previously suppressed research has emerged.  [...]

Our Emphasis is on YOU2023-11-13T10:34:37+00:00
16 02 2021

One year into the Corona Pandemic


One year ago, I issued an open letter about The Wellness Clinic’s advancement of the principles of Lifestyle Medicine and how we are successfully using Lifestyle Medicine  to prevent and reverse chronic disease.  This was exactly 2 weeks before the Coronavirus infected the Western World and changed our lives in ways we didn’t think possible. We have learned [...]

One year into the Corona Pandemic2021-02-16T13:13:07+00:00
4 09 2018

Rosh HaShana 5779


As we approach the New Year of 5779, Haba Aleinu L’tovah, there is always what to reflect upon as we look back at the past year. There is also some trepidation in terms of what awaits us in the coming year. This past year has been one of the most interesting years I’ve had since [...]

Rosh HaShana 57792018-09-04T13:14:53+00:00
10 08 2016

I hope you aren’t dieting!


It seems as if everybody’s going on a diet!  Well, not quite.  But people call my office all the time asking about our “diet” program.  I don’t have one.  I have a weight loss program that is anything but a diet. There is some good news though. This past year we saw that only 20% [...]

I hope you aren’t dieting!2017-04-18T14:16:28+00:00
13 07 2016

Why the Failure?


I generally don’t like to put the word ‘failure’ in the title of my articles.  I much prefer to focus on strengths and successes.  However, the failure rate of people trying to lose weight is astounding and begs the question of “why?” to be answered.  96% of those that resort to the standard diet routine [...]

Why the Failure?2017-01-12T12:09:46+00:00
9 06 2016

Another Nachas Tour


Every year in the United States, there is something called The Conference Board Job Satisfaction survey.  Using a series of questions about the workplace, they determine something called job satisfaction.  In plain English, do you like your job?  Roughly half of Americans like going to work each day, but the other side of this is [...]

Another Nachas Tour2017-01-12T11:50:21+00:00