Alan works with his clients to facilitate healthy, sustainable changes in behavior by challenging them to listen to their inner wisdom, identify their values and transform their goals into action. He uses these techniques to help clients with:
Weight loss
Stress management
Smoking cessation
- Various physical and mental health concerns
Habits and behaviors are much more likely to be internalized when done through proper coaching, as opposed to just being told what to do.
In 2016, Alan received specialty certification in the area of Behavioral Change. Alan draws on different aspects of Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Dr. B.J. Fogg’s behavioral change model, in addition to other various successful coaching models. These different techniques have filled Alan’s coaching tool box with many more items to draw upon when helping clients change poor habits into successful ones.
Aside from the area of health and wellness, Alan also coaches clients who need help making changes to improve relationships, be successful in specific areas of life or business, or remove obstacles in the way to meeting whatever goals they want to attain. Coaching, when done correctly, works! Whatever your goal for a better quality of life might be, Alan will be able to assist you in reaching it.
Make an appointment for a FREE 20-minute consultation to see how Alan can help you bring improvements to any area of your life.