
5 09 2024

Make Changes One-at-a-Time


When you get down to it, all the people that I see in my various programs are trying to change some behavior or habit in order to achieve a goal in health and wellness.  In order to lose weight, lower blood pressure, cholesterol, or blood sugar, or become more fit and functional, the chances are [...]

Make Changes One-at-a-Time2024-09-09T10:53:52+00:00
8 10 2023

Resolve to succeed–and here’s how!


This article was originially published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Monday, 9th Oct. 2023: https://jpost.pressreader.com/article/281805698578233 We’ve been through this before—you and I!  It’s after the holidays. We’re all thinking about weight loss and dieting—and we WILL fail in the long term.  It’s not because we don’t want to succeed, or because we [...]

Resolve to succeed–and here’s how!2023-10-10T12:54:21+00:00
14 06 2018

Choose Your Reward


As the spring and summer months begin, the phone starts ringing in my office well above average. It’s a combination of winter weight gain, feeling fatigued and lethargic and realizing our summer clothes are a bit too snug.  But now, the choice is yours. You can look back and keep thinking to yourself, “How did [...]

Choose Your Reward2018-06-14T13:30:41+00:00
10 05 2018

Are You Still Dieting?  Stop Now! (Part 2)


In part one of this article we examined why diets are failures. The bottom line in weight loss is creating a calorie deficit, but in a way we can stick to.  In part 2, we will now examine ways to create a situation where more calories are being used as energy than are being consumed. [...]

Are You Still Dieting?  Stop Now! (Part 2)2018-06-04T12:34:28+00:00
3 05 2018

Are You Still Dieting?  Stop Now! (Part 1)


People ask me a lot of questions about health and fitness.  But there is one question I just won’t answer; “What do you think about the ______diet?”  Why don’t I answer? Because with the exception of the DASH diet or a Mediterranean food program, the odds are overwhelming for long term failure when it comes [...]

Are You Still Dieting?  Stop Now! (Part 1)2018-05-31T13:31:53+00:00
2 11 2017

Turning it around


It’s over and behind us.  It started with preparations for a 3 day Rosh Hashanah and after a festive Simchat Torah. After the festivities, the Succah was taken down, but the scale is up! Year after year in the name of simcha—having joy during the holidays-- we overdo it and can actually damage our health. [...]

Turning it around2017-11-02T10:07:15+00:00
8 02 2017

No Way Around It—It Takes Work


There was very significant health news a few weeks ago.  When news about health makes it to the headlines, it usually means we have to pay attention.  For over 100 years, the average life expectancy of people who live in the United States has increased, with the exception of 1993 and that aberration occurred because [...]

No Way Around It—It Takes Work2017-02-08T10:53:51+00:00
1 09 2016

Can’t We Be Healthier?


I found a new study published by the Mayo Clinic to be quite frightening.  As a health professional, I see many people on a daily basis who suffer from a variety of health issues.  But this study revealed just how widespread the problems are and how much work needs to be done in all areas [...]

Can’t We Be Healthier?2017-01-12T12:26:13+00:00
21 07 2016

Let’s Get Practical


People like myself, in the field of bettering health, are constantly reading up on the latest findings in areas of diet, exercise and mental wellness and trying to implement them.  Once in a while, we have clients who are already on a good path to health and wellness but they want to refine what they [...]

Let’s Get Practical2017-01-12T12:12:05+00:00
16 08 2015

A New Year, A New Time for Inspiration!


As we approach Elul, the last month of the Jewish calendar, and as we get closer to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, it is the time of year for reflection on the past and a look to the future. We will now be praying for both forgiveness and for achieving our potential for the year to [...]

A New Year, A New Time for Inspiration!2015-08-16T11:43:20+00:00