exercise program

31 12 2023

Increasing the Odds


This article was originially published as an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post on Sunday, 31st  Dec. 2023: https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/article-780119 People have questioned me as to why at The Wellness Clinic we offer a free consultation before starting a program.  It’s very simple. People need to know before they get started on their journey to improved health, [...]

Increasing the Odds2023-12-31T10:21:44+00:00
20 06 2018

Regaining Energy – Get up and go!


If you are feeling a lack of energy, that might be normal. But in order to regain your energy, do the opposite of what your “lazy side” tells you—start moving!  As important as a good night’s sleep is, getting more active and starting to exercise will probably do more for your energy levels than anything [...]

Regaining Energy – Get up and go!2018-06-20T11:26:17+00:00
19 03 2015

Exercise is Medicine! (Part III)


Last week’s column focused on the benefits of exercise vis-à-vis high blood pressure, high cholesterol and cancer. This third and final segment of Exercise is Medicine! will discuss Metabolic Syndrome, lower back pain and osteoporosis. Exercising is very helpful in weight reduction and in preventing weight gain. It is also beneficial in maintaining a healthy [...]

Exercise is Medicine! (Part III)2017-12-21T11:58:55+00:00
11 03 2015

Exercise is Medicine! (Part I)


Exercise is Medicine is an initiative launched on Nov. 5, 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine that calls for physical activity and exercise to be standard parts of disease prevention and medical treatment.  It urges healthcare providers to assess and review patients’ physical activity programs at every visit, with office visits that conclude [...]

Exercise is Medicine! (Part I)2017-12-21T11:56:31+00:00